Building a business plan for a unique vision.

The Dilin Duwa Centre for Indigenous Business Leadership is a social enterprise delivering an economically powerful Indigenous Australia, embedded within Melbourne Business School (MBS) and the Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE) at Melbourne University.

Visit the Dilin Duwa website


Having launched Dilin Duwa in August 2021, the Director wanted to establish a five-year business strategy that articulated the benefit to its institutional benefactors of the economic, reputational and social return on their ongoing investment in the centre.

The Hyfen Approach

Invited to join the Dilin Duwa team on country, Hyfen facilitated a strategy planning session. From this grounding in place and country, Hyfen worked with the Director and each team member to layer the vision into a business plan.


The business model underpinning the Dilin Duwa 5-year plan factored in new revenue opportunities that far exceeded the core investment from founding partners MBS, while demonstrating both tangible and intangible return on investment for core funding parties.

“Dilin Duwa is an Indigenous-led team of researchers, educators, and business leadership ecosystem creators. As an innovative social impact organisation managing a not-for-profit commercial enterprise on campus and on Country, our team works at the intersection of the University of Melbourne and Melbourne Business School to fulfil our vision of contributing to an "Economically Powerful Indigenous Australia". Hyfen respects our cultural framework and ways of working. We have come to her over the years because Kirstin is a quiet and thoughtful partner for our organisational strategy, ecosystem strategy, and impact work. With her behind-the-scenes guidance, our team continues to lead through its own voice and agency.”

Dr Michelle Evans, Director and Founder, Dilin Duwa

HBF Health